
Règles de confidentialité

  Règles de confidentialité Privacy Rules for Temporal Number Receiver App (Phonilo) - No Collection of Personal Information Introduction The following privacy rules outline the commitment of Phonilo, the temporal number receiver app, to protect your privacy and ensure the security of your personal information. Phonilo operates under the principle of not collecting any personal information from its users. Please read these rules carefully to understand how your privacy is safeguarded when using the app. No Collection of Personal Information Phonilo does not collect, store, or transmit any personal information from its users. The app's primary function is to provide a temporary number to receive SMS messages. Phonilo does not require or request any personally identifiable information (such as name, address, email, etc.) during the registration or usage process. SMS Message Handling When you use Phonilo to receive SMS messages, the app will only handle and display the content of thos