Règles de confidentialité

 Règles de confidentialité

Privacy Rules for Temporal Number Receiver App (Phonilo) - No Collection of Personal Information

  1. Introduction

The following privacy rules outline the commitment of Phonilo, the temporal number receiver app, to protect your privacy and ensure the security of your personal information. Phonilo operates under the principle of not collecting any personal information from its users. Please read these rules carefully to understand how your privacy is safeguarded when using the app.

  1. No Collection of Personal Information

Phonilo does not collect, store, or transmit any personal information from its users. The app's primary function is to provide a temporary number to receive SMS messages. Phonilo does not require or request any personally identifiable information (such as name, address, email, etc.) during the registration or usage process.

  1. SMS Message Handling

When you use Phonilo to receive SMS messages, the app will only handle and display the content of those messages within its user interface. Phonilo does not analyze, retain, or process the message content in any way. The app's purpose is solely to provide a temporary number for receiving SMS messages and to allow you to view those messages conveniently.

  1. Data Encryption and Security

Phonilo employs strong security measures to protect the limited data it handles. All communications between the app and its servers are encrypted using industry-standard protocols and algorithms. This encryption ensures the confidentiality and integrity of the data transmitted.

  1. Third-Party Integration

Phonilo does not integrate with or share any user data with third-party services, applications, or platforms. The app operates independently, minimizing any potential privacy risks associated with external parties.

  1. Advertising and Analytics

As Phonilo does not collect personal information, it does not use targeted advertising or analytics services. The app does not track your usage behavior, preferences, or any other personally identifiable information for marketing or data analysis purposes.

  1. User Responsibilities

While Phonilo takes measures to ensure user privacy, it is essential for users to exercise caution and responsibility when sharing temporary numbers provided by the app. Phonilo cannot be held liable for any privacy breaches or misuse of information resulting from sharing temporary numbers with third parties.

  1. Updates to the Privacy Rules

Phonilo may update these privacy rules from time to time. Any changes will be reflected in the updated version of the rules, which will be made available to users. It is recommended to review the privacy rules periodically to stay informed about any modifications.

  1. Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding the privacy rules or Phonilo's privacy practices, please contact us at [contact email or support channel].

By using Phonilo, you acknowledge and accept these privacy rules, ensuring the protection of your privacy and the confidential handling of your temporary number and SMS messages.
